Patrons Club Equestrian Sport Basel.
Support the equestrian sport in Basel.
Become a member of our Patrons’ Club and support the LONGINES CHI CLASSICS.
As a patron
- you have free admission to the seats reserved for the Patrons’ Club on all show days at the LONGINES CHI CLASSICS BASEL.
- you are invited to the General Assembly of the Patrons’ Club Pferdesport Basel with a cozy dinner.
- you will receive the newsletter of the LONGINES CHI CLASSICS BASEL with all information about the tournament.
The membership categories
Single member = CHF 600
Couple = CHF 1000
Family = CHF 1800
Company for up to four persons = CHF 1’800
Company for up to six persons = CHF 2’500
Company for up to eight persons = CHF 3’400
Please contact Rosy Haldi-Straumann at or phone +41 61 403 78 68 (Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 11:30).
Contact address
c/o CHI Classics Basel Ltd
St. Alban-Anlage 68
4052 Basel
CHI Classics Basel Ltd
St. Alban-Anlage 68
4052 Basel
+41 61 403 78 68
The administration of the LONGINES CHI CLASSICS BASEL is available from monday to friday from 08.30 - 11.30.